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EDA News

Long-Closed Steel Processing Plant Will Reopen to Produce Solar Components
Bethlehem Steel in Pennsylvania, founded in 1904, is reopening after years of closure to produce crucial components for solar energy, rekindling the area's industrial history, reports Solar Power World. The plant will also bring much-needed jobs to the area.  “These are good-paying jobs, and they’re permanent... We have second- and third-generation steelworkers whose parents or grandparents…
Rural Communities Across Texas are Betting Big on Clean Energy
Land owners and farmers in rural communities across Texas are reaping the economic benefits of leasing their land for the development of clean energy projects, and are receiving hundreds of thousands of dollars in land-lease payments each year, reports CNN. The projects have also significantly boosted community tax revenue, allowing rural schools to build new facilities and…
‘Agrivoltaics’: A Growing Concept That Combines Solar Power and Agriculture
Farmers and researchers have teamed up to experiment with installing solar panels over crops, a combination called 'agrivoltaics' that is showing promise, reports Axios. Shade-loving crops like kale and root vegetables thrive under solar panels, and farmers and landowners benefit from a new way to profit off their land as they deal with economic uncertainty. Read…
DOE Invests $45M in Energy Cybersecurity
The Department of Energy plans to invest $45 million in 15 cybersecurity research projects aimed at strengthening the nation's power grid and protecting the energy sector from cyberattacks, reports The Hill.  “As DOE builds out America’s clean energy infrastructure, this funding will provide the tools for a strong, resilient, and secure electricity grid that can withstand…
Economic Value of Transmission Growth is Understated, Study Finds
A recent study by the Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory has revealed that, while many agree expansion of transmission infrastructure is necessary to keep energy costs down, the economic benefits are understated and under-appreciated by grid planners, reports Utility Dive.  “Many existing transmission planning approaches are likely understating the economic value of new transmission infrastructure,” LBNL researchers said…
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