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The New “Battery Belt” Forming Across the Midwest and South

Domestic electric vehicle production is growing rapidly, with battery and EV factories opening in states like Georgia, Tennessee and Texas, forming a new region some are calling the "Battery Belt", reports Axios. New initiatives to strengthen domestic supply chains are expected to boost the multi-billion dollar U.S. electric vehicle industry, which has already created thousands of jobs. …

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Economic Value of Transmission Growth is Understated, Study Finds

A recent study by the Lawrence Berkley National Laboratory has revealed that, while many agree expansion of transmission infrastructure is necessary to keep energy costs down, the economic benefits are understated and under-appreciated by grid planners, reports Utility Dive.  “Many existing transmission planning approaches are likely understating the economic value of new transmission infrastructure,” LBNL researchers said…

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Nuclear, Hydrogen Companies Form New Coalition

The Nuclear Hydrogen Initiative, a 40-member coalition of nuclear energy and hydrogen energy companies, will collaborate to develop hydrogen energy production powered by nuclear facilities, reports E&E News.  “This is an opportunity to bring together these two industries that have the potential to catalyze decarbonization at the scale and the speed this really needs to have,”…

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Volkswagen to Manufacture EVs in Tennessee 

siegen, North Rhine-Westphalia/germany - 29 07 19: vw car sign in siegen germany Production of Volkswagen's first American-built electric vehicle has kicked off in Tennessee, with the automaker announcing plans to bump production at the factory to 7,000 cars per month, reports the Associated Press. The Chattanooga factory, which employs more than 4,000 people, will mainly rely on…

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Texas Grid Concerns Highlight Need for Energy Storage

Energy experts are emphasizing that ongoing concerns about the reliability of Texas' electric grid highlight the need for expanded energy storage capacity, reports Utility Dive. While thermal and renewable generation have collaborated this summer to keep the grid online, long-term energy storage can store excess electricity produced by renewables to deploy as needed, ensuring Texans will…

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